The Ponderings of a Princess on a journey to be more like the King Who created her...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
This week I've received several emails about "why" I should be thankful. Many of them tell me I should be thankful because I don't have it as bad as others. You know...I think I should be thankful, period. Here are some things I'm thankful for...
~The Blood of Jesus, shed for me
~my precious husband
~my equally precious children
~extended family
~The Connection Church (I love my group)
~Monday Night Ladies Bible Study (I love these Women)
Here are a few pix of the day...
~The Blood of Jesus, shed for me
~my precious husband
~my equally precious children
~extended family
~The Connection Church (I love my group)
~Monday Night Ladies Bible Study (I love these Women)
Here are a few pix of the day...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A True Texan Knows...
(I have to admit, I "swiped" this list from another blogger...but I couldn't argue w/ any of her points. She's a true Texan, too.)
A true Texan knows:
1. That “ya’ll” and “fixin’ to” are a legitimate part of the English vocabulary. If you don’t say these phrases on a regular and consistent basis, we know right away that you aren’t from our neck of the woods. Oh, and “neck of the woods” – you have to say that too.
2. Chicken Fried Steak is a required part of every diet. Extra credit for mash potatoes, corn on the cob, and fried okra. And for the record, it's not chicken fried steak unless it's smothered in white cream gravy. I've heard rumors about restaurants in other states putting brown gravy on a fried chicken cutlet and trying to pass it off as chicken fried steak on the menu. That should be a crime, punishable by law.
3. Animals were made for eating. Get ready for the hate mail. I don’t mean to offend anyone here, but you can count the Vegetarians in our state on one hand. We like our crispy bacon and our backyard burgers. And while we’re on the subject, BBQ is not really BBQ unless it’s made from BEEF! What’s up with that faux pork BBQ stuff in AL, TN, and GA?
4. Humidity = Hair spray. Enough said. If you want to know which brand works best, ask any female from Houston. Trust me, these gals know their hair products. Should one of those Texas-sized tornadoes blow through town, they might lose their homes, but their big, shellacked hair helmets will remain right smack in place, not a hair out of place.
5. You can do serious jail time for picking bluebonnets (our state flower). Okay, not really, but we continue to pass along this tall Texas tale to our children and grandchildren in order to scare them half out of their wits, so they’ll leave these beauties untouched on the side of the road.
6. There is no such thing as “authentic Mexican food.” I’m guessing that some health freak in California probably coined the phrase. Enchiladas, by law must be topped with chili con carne, cheese, onions, and sitting in a pool of grease in order to qualify for Tex-Mex. Restaurants fixing them any other way in this state won’t be in business for long.
7. The weather is as unpredictable as a quirky middle school romance. It can be below freezing in the morning and in the 80’s by mid-afternoon. Oh, and when it freezes over every decade or so, everything shuts down because we don’t know what to do. Those who venture out usually end up on the evening news standing next to their banged-up car in a ditch with their heads bowed in shame.
8. There is only one “UT.” Wait, you didn’t know there’s another college out there claiming to be UT with some skewed shade of orange and white? (Cough, cough, Tennessee)
9. There is no such thing as a stranger. We are the “friendly state” and with that honor comes the responsibility of smiling, waving, or saying “hi” (or a combination of all three) to passers-by. If you don’t respond to our kind gesture, we automatically assume you are: A) hard of seeing and hearing or B) from New York.
10. We are proud, but not prideful. Big difference. We simply take great pride in being from Texas and can’t imagine living anywhere else. Whoops, I meant to say we are proud we are from Texas. ☺
Not from Texas? Well, bless your heart--we love you, anyways! Now, I gotta go ya'll.
A true Texan knows:
1. That “ya’ll” and “fixin’ to” are a legitimate part of the English vocabulary. If you don’t say these phrases on a regular and consistent basis, we know right away that you aren’t from our neck of the woods. Oh, and “neck of the woods” – you have to say that too.
2. Chicken Fried Steak is a required part of every diet. Extra credit for mash potatoes, corn on the cob, and fried okra. And for the record, it's not chicken fried steak unless it's smothered in white cream gravy. I've heard rumors about restaurants in other states putting brown gravy on a fried chicken cutlet and trying to pass it off as chicken fried steak on the menu. That should be a crime, punishable by law.
3. Animals were made for eating. Get ready for the hate mail. I don’t mean to offend anyone here, but you can count the Vegetarians in our state on one hand. We like our crispy bacon and our backyard burgers. And while we’re on the subject, BBQ is not really BBQ unless it’s made from BEEF! What’s up with that faux pork BBQ stuff in AL, TN, and GA?
4. Humidity = Hair spray. Enough said. If you want to know which brand works best, ask any female from Houston. Trust me, these gals know their hair products. Should one of those Texas-sized tornadoes blow through town, they might lose their homes, but their big, shellacked hair helmets will remain right smack in place, not a hair out of place.
5. You can do serious jail time for picking bluebonnets (our state flower). Okay, not really, but we continue to pass along this tall Texas tale to our children and grandchildren in order to scare them half out of their wits, so they’ll leave these beauties untouched on the side of the road.
6. There is no such thing as “authentic Mexican food.” I’m guessing that some health freak in California probably coined the phrase. Enchiladas, by law must be topped with chili con carne, cheese, onions, and sitting in a pool of grease in order to qualify for Tex-Mex. Restaurants fixing them any other way in this state won’t be in business for long.
7. The weather is as unpredictable as a quirky middle school romance. It can be below freezing in the morning and in the 80’s by mid-afternoon. Oh, and when it freezes over every decade or so, everything shuts down because we don’t know what to do. Those who venture out usually end up on the evening news standing next to their banged-up car in a ditch with their heads bowed in shame.
8. There is only one “UT.” Wait, you didn’t know there’s another college out there claiming to be UT with some skewed shade of orange and white? (Cough, cough, Tennessee)
9. There is no such thing as a stranger. We are the “friendly state” and with that honor comes the responsibility of smiling, waving, or saying “hi” (or a combination of all three) to passers-by. If you don’t respond to our kind gesture, we automatically assume you are: A) hard of seeing and hearing or B) from New York.
10. We are proud, but not prideful. Big difference. We simply take great pride in being from Texas and can’t imagine living anywhere else. Whoops, I meant to say we are proud we are from Texas. ☺
Not from Texas? Well, bless your heart--we love you, anyways! Now, I gotta go ya'll.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Vote for Canon!!
Today we entered the "Great American Photo Contest" so go and vote for Canon! You know he's the cutest baby around! ;-)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
99 Balloons...
Today I watched this amazing video. It made me weep. AND it caused me to ask, "Could I praise YOU Lord?" That is something I pray I don't have to answer.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Yes, we now have a teenager in our house (Remember the old Wayne Watson song?...sing it here). She is officially 13 today! How time flies! (do I sound old or what?!) Here are some of my favorite pix.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Magnum Opus...
What do you consider to be your "greatest work"? Your children?, job?, marriage? last nights dinner? How big is your vision for what your greatest work will be?
In the movie "Charlotte's Web", Charlotte (the spider) tells Wilbur (the pig) that she's been working on her Magnum Opus, her greatest work. Her children. In Psalm 139 David tells us that we are "amazingly and miraculously made". Know this...even if you don't know what your greatest work is...know that you're God's. We are His Magnum Opus and He has created us for His good pleasure. (Eph 2:10 For we are his masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared long ago to be our way of life.)
In the movie "Charlotte's Web", Charlotte (the spider) tells Wilbur (the pig) that she's been working on her Magnum Opus, her greatest work. Her children. In Psalm 139 David tells us that we are "amazingly and miraculously made". Know this...even if you don't know what your greatest work is...know that you're God's. We are His Magnum Opus and He has created us for His good pleasure. (Eph 2:10 For we are his masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared long ago to be our way of life.)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Why do Mice want to live in our house?
Maybe I should ask why they want to die in our house. More specifically the girls closet. YUCK! What a horrible smell. On Saturday we had to clean out their closet to find the "body". I must admit, it needed it anyway, but these were not the circumstances I wanted to do it under. The girls were troupers and got it all cleaned out. I decided to take a nap on the couch with Canon. Just as I'm falling into a nice deep sleep, two screaming girls come running into the living room. Did they say "baby mice" were in their closet? Yep, you read it right. Sorry animal friends, we had to "get rid" of them (I won't say how...) Not long after we found their momma, feet up and not looking (or smelling) too good. Now the closet is actually a usable space and clean. Sometimes living in the country is not my favorite part of living in the country...if you understand my meaning. The quiet is wonderful, the critters are not.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Am I here?
I have to say, sleep deprivation can reek havoc on your relationships! That being said, I suppose I must apologize to any of you that have tried to have a conversation with me in the last few weeks. If I haven't gotten angry, zoned out or burst into tears, you're one of the lucky ones. My poor husband has seen the gamut of emotions pouring from me and has graciously hugged and forgiven it all. He's pretty sleep deprived, too. Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't change anything about our station in life right now. Everyday (and night) with Canon is pure delight. Watching him grow and change has been a huge source of joy for our whole family. I just don't function too well on little sleep. ;-} I know God is even in these "plans" for me and Bram. I'm asking God to help me see His hand in every moment and to remind me to spend the waking times (especially in the middle of the night) praying for whatever He puts on my heart. I haven't been as faithful as I'd like to be, but I do know God is using this little guy to change me and make me more like the Princess He's created me to be. (just like with all three of my other kids) Even when I feel like I'm "not all here", God is in it and He's still working to do amazing things in my life.
God is in the business of "amazing". Think on that today.
God is in the business of "amazing". Think on that today.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Canon Scott Miller Floria has arrived!
6 lbs., 10 oz.
Born at 806 West 2nd St., Kyle, TX
(at Nana's house)
Here's a link to some more pictures of our precious new little boy.
Happy Birthday to me... ;-)
This card is from some very special friends.

Check Out this Birthday Card I Just Received!
Create your own!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Okay...NOW we're down to the wire
So, today I am 2 days away from "Baby Guys" due date. We thought he was coming a few days ago, but he decided he wasn't quite ready, I guess. I'm okay with that. Our bathroom still isn't done. So, still we wait and pray and ask God for His timing and to give us peace. Thanks for your prayers, I know God has used each of you to encourage me and give me strength. I love Psalm 68:19. It says, "Blessed be the LORD, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of Salvation!" Isn't that good? He doesn't just do it once, He daily LOADS us with benefits. I don't know about you, but I need them on a daily basis. Thank God for His generosity and love for us.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
16 Days and counting...
Well, we're down to 16 days to go till my due date. I have to be quite honest here and say, I've been feeling anxious. Last night during our family devotional time (Side note...if you're looking for a good book to use for this, "Parenting With Scripture" by Kara Durbin @ Moody Press is excellent!) I was reminded of some wonderful verses I can camp on. The word for the day was "Confidence".
Proverbs 3:25, "Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared."
Jeremiah 17:7, "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him."
Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
Hebrews 4:16, "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Hebrews 10:35-36, "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."
Hebrews 13;6, "So we say with confidence, "The LORD is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
So, as you think about these verses today, my prayer is that you will be reminded of God's hand in all you do and in all that comes your way. Let His confidence flood your mind and heart and give you His peace. That's what we want anyway, isn't it?!
Proverbs 3:25, "Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared."
Jeremiah 17:7, "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him."
Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
Hebrews 4:16, "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Hebrews 10:35-36, "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."
Hebrews 13;6, "So we say with confidence, "The LORD is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
So, as you think about these verses today, my prayer is that you will be reminded of God's hand in all you do and in all that comes your way. Let His confidence flood your mind and heart and give you His peace. That's what we want anyway, isn't it?!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Let me brag for a minute...
Our oldest daughter, Demi, participated in her first triathlon this past Saturday. We were so excited for her. She trained w/out complaint and pushed herself farther than any 12 year old girl I've ever known. She's truly an amazing young woman. Well...I'm so proud to say she finished the race w/ grace...AND she came in 3rd in her age group. She had been placed in the 13-15 year olds because she will be 13 before the year is out. Here are some pix of the event!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Friends & Baby Showers
I have some of the most amazing friends on the planet. Really! Last Saturday they gave us a huge baby shower for "Baby Guy". It was wonderful and I felt so special. I have to admit, however, it was all a bit weird to me. I mean, this IS my 4th child and I AM in my 40's. I know we had nothing for a baby, so we really needed a lot of stuff, but it felt like I should have been one of the hostesses for one of the younger ladies at our church. God is good! ;-) I loved visiting w/ all the ladies and playing the games and just seeing them all. My mouth hurt from smiling at the end of the day. Here are some pix of the "event".
Yummy Cake!
Yummy Cake!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Live Chickens and fun at the Beach...
We went to the coast (Gulf of Mexico) last week with some of our dearest friends. What an amazing time of hanging out, eating good food, getting sun-tanned and laughing until we couldn't breathe. The baby was particularly active one evening and I was quite uncomfortable. The husbands were teasing that they knew just how I felt. One of them (not sure which one) made the comment, "Yeah, we should swallow a ball to know what it feels like." I said, "If you really want to know what it feels like then try swallowing a live chicken". 8-} Anyway, we all had a great laugh at that one and today, again, I DO feel like I have swallowed a live chicken. I'm sure I'll have the bruises to verify it, too.
Here are some pix from our trip. Hope you enjoy them!
Barry found a LIVE Starfish ~ Way, Way Cool!
Here are some pix from our trip. Hope you enjoy them!
Lyric rode the waves like a pro!
Demi found a live sand-dollar - way cool!
Barry found a LIVE Starfish ~ Way, Way Cool!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Counting Down...SIX weeks to go!
I can hardly believe we only have six weeks until our baby arrives. It seems so unreal to me. I'm alternately thrilled and excited to be done with this phase of the process AND half terrified at the next step. Having baby in the house is going to be a huge adjustment for me. I've grown used to my kids being so independent, able to take care of themselves (for the most part). Perhaps I've become lazy. ;-) I like that they can do things without me having to get up off my comfy couch.
It's going to be a huge adjustment for the rest of the family, too. New sounds to get used to, new routines to get into, and new smells to figure out. Some better than others... Yes, we are all excited about a new little one in our home.
I wonder, though, am I ready for how this is going to change me? My heart has already expanded to include three other "mini-me" personalities. Is there really room for another? Let's face it, we're all selfish in some areas of our lives, many of those areas I've had to clean out over the years and re-clean out as children came along and as they grew to challenge the status quo of "ME". What area will be next? What selfish part of me will I have to lay on the altar before God and let Him burn it up with His fire of change? Who will this baby help me to become? Again, I'm alternately thrilled and terrified at the unknown. Of one thing I am completely sure..."He that began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it until Christ comes back." (Phil. 1:6)
It's going to be a huge adjustment for the rest of the family, too. New sounds to get used to, new routines to get into, and new smells to figure out. Some better than others... Yes, we are all excited about a new little one in our home.
I wonder, though, am I ready for how this is going to change me? My heart has already expanded to include three other "mini-me" personalities. Is there really room for another? Let's face it, we're all selfish in some areas of our lives, many of those areas I've had to clean out over the years and re-clean out as children came along and as they grew to challenge the status quo of "ME". What area will be next? What selfish part of me will I have to lay on the altar before God and let Him burn it up with His fire of change? Who will this baby help me to become? Again, I'm alternately thrilled and terrified at the unknown. Of one thing I am completely sure..."He that began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it until Christ comes back." (Phil. 1:6)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The things we think are cool...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Schools OUT!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Note from the Throne Room April 21, 2008
I am God's choice possession. I am a princess in the court of the King of Kings. He has clothed me with jewels and I am His delight.
Note from the Throne Room:
"My precious daughter, you are clothed in garments of righteousness, washed pure by the blood of the Lamb of God." ~ Love, Your Father. (1John 3:1; Isaiah 61:10)
Note from the Throne Room:
"My precious daughter, you are clothed in garments of righteousness, washed pure by the blood of the Lamb of God." ~ Love, Your Father. (1John 3:1; Isaiah 61:10)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Note from the Throne Room April 19, 2008:
I often wonder at my lack of confidence. If the Bible says that God is for me...then, who can be against me? Who that matters, anyway? In Romans, I read..." If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them?" I can be confident in who I am in Christ because HE is for me.
Note from the Throne Room:
"My precious daughter, I am now at your side; don't be afraid; who would dare lay a hand on you?" Ps.118:6 ~ Love, Your Father
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Princess Reminder...
Today, I'm re-discovering how important it is to know who we are in Christ. To know His thoughts toward us. Psalm 139 tells me, "How precious are Your thoughts toward me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You." We need to live by the words, “I am amazingly and miraculously made”? (Psalm 139:14.) If I really believe that the Bible is THE word of God and relevant to my life, then I must believe God meant that verse for me, too. Reflect, today, on Gods handiwork…YOU! This is so important. So much so, that, if we don't know (really know) and believe it, we are rendered useless in the work of the kingdom. If we are consumed with self doubt and loathing of ourselves, how can we effectively express God's unconditional love to a hurting and self-loathing world?
Be reminded today..."you are amazingly and miraculously made"!
Be reminded today..."you are amazingly and miraculously made"!
My precious daughter…You are my creation--created in Christ Jesus for good works, which I have prepared ahead of time so that you should walk in them. Eph. 2:10 ~ Love, Your Father
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Pix of the new BOY!!
Okay, I've always been the one to say..."I'd never show sonogram pix to strange" Frankly, I've never been able to make "heads or tails" of them. (literally) Well, I'm changing my tune, because these are the most amazing pix I've ever seen in my life! I love my baby boy. Hope you will, too.
Here's his little hand

Here is his amazing little foot and leg.
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